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Verschillende Europese vlaggen en blauwe lucht

Instruction from Dutch into English

Would you like to translate a Dutch web page, letter or document into English? Or into another language? You can do so easily online. This page explains how.

Step 1 - Translating our website or a web page

Use your web browser’s translation option. Go to the support page of your browser:

After following these instructions our website is automatically translated into English.

Step 2 - Translating our documents

You can find our documents on your personal page on our website. Log in using your DigiD or with your account. Follow the instruction below:

  1. Go to 'Documenten' (a new tab will open so you can switch back to these instructions).
  2. Log in using your DigiD. If you don’t have DigiD you can log in with a personal account. If you don’t have an account yet, please contact us.
  3. Select the document you want to translate by clicking on the download icon.
  4. Save the Dutch version of the document on your computer.
  5. Go to Google Translate in your web browser.
  6. Upload the document you want to translate by using ‘Browse your computer’.
  7. Click the button 'Translate'.
  8. You can read the translated document by using ‘Download translation’.
  9. You can now save the English version on your computer.

Please note! You are using a translation tool. Pensioenfonds Recreatie is not responsible for the translation. No rights can be derived from a translation under any circumstances.